Woke up this morning to hear the news of another devastating earthquake: This one registering 8.8 in Central Chile. Wondering what this is going to mean for the people of that shaken region even as we continue to hear about the hundreds of thousands in Haiti who are still without housing, security, or answers for […]
A couple of nights ago I stumbled onto a classic: The Confessions of St Augustine of Hippo who lived 354-430 AD. A few pages into his story, I found myself gripped by the mind and heart of someone who in his youth broke his mothers heart… only to become a lover of the God he […]
A proverb of the Bible says, “Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him” (Prov 26:12). Of Proverbs 26:12, an often “heady” Word Biblical Commentary says,“This is an astounding proverb. Are there degrees of folly? And is there a degree of folly that […]
During Vancouver’s opening ceremonies, organizer John Furlong encouraged Olympians to compete in honor of the Georgian athlete who died in a luge training run prior to the beginning of the winter games. Urging the Olympians to rise to the spirit of the event, Furlong said, “You are our beacon of hope in a world so […]
Two passages of the Bible that are often used to emphasize the importance of Scripture may be doing something more. Example One: When, after eating no food for 40 days, Jesus resists Satan’s temptation to turn stones into bread, he quotes Moses as saying “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word […]